Where are all my heroes?
We all need heroes to look up to, individuals to admire and respect—you
know, the stuff of comic book legends and box office blockbusters. But all too
often, we fail to realize that we ourselves can be heroes to someone; to our
children, our peers and our colleagues. If we just look around, we can identify
an endless supply of opportunities to be powerful forces for the greater good
and reap the rewards.
A superhero "dream team"
The SalesForce book and presentation bring us into the mundane world
of Murry, an underperforming sales rep. Torn between compromising his principles
or being straightforward, Murry discovers his super powers that come from an
unexpected source. The resulting transformation at his workplace will forever
change his life and the lives of those around him. Contact us and find out
how you and your team can tap into their super powers and overcome their greatest
challenges, too!